
广州天河土地出让价格 市政府印发关于促进产业用地高质量利用的实施方案的通知

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长沙吴彦祖 2024-01-09 23:21


现将《促进工业用地高质量利用实施方案》印发给大家。 请结合实际认真贯彻落实。


2021 年 1 月 12 日



为推进工业用地配置市场化改革,推进工业用地全生命周期管理,加快工业用地高质量利用,推动产业链高质量发展,促进新兴产业发展。形成以国外大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局。 为完善我市省会城市功能和中心城市的首要地位,根据国家和省有关新政策要求,结合我市实际,制定以下实施方案。


(一)指导思想。 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,贯彻新发展理念和高质量发展总体要求,推进工业用地配置市场化改革,精准配置农地要素,建立健全工业用地准入、绩效评价、存量盘活等制度。 、改造退出等机制,提高单位农用地经济承载能力和产出水平,实现工业用地更加集约、高效、可持续的高质量利用。










按照北京国土空间规划确定的城市功能定位,划定产业高质量发展红线。 “十四五”末,规划工业用地规模控制在300平方公里,通过“工业园区-工业社区-零星工业地块”三级体系稳定规模”。 工业园区、工业小区用于先进制造业的工业用地面积不得超过工业用地总规模的80%,并严格限制改变用途。


城市国土空间规划确定产业园区和产业社区边界,突出功能定位和用地结构引导。 工业用地受产业规划约束、空间规划引导,集中在工业园区和工业社区。 新建工业项目原则上布置在工业园区、工业社区,必须符合工业园区、工业社区的产业定位,并协调预留一定比例的工业用地,用于高标准厂房建设。 按照产业高质量发展标准,确定保留工业园区、工业社区外零星工业地块。

1、工业园区以制造功能为主,基础地位有效提升。 工业、仓储用地比重达到60%以上,建设承载国家中心城市战略功能、代表国外制造业一流水平的先进制造业基地。


3、对零星工业地块实行差异化管理。 发展边界内,现有企业经市工业主管部门按照《南京市工业企业资源密集型绩效综合评价差异化新政指导意见(试行)》(宁政办发[2018]90号)保留乙类及以上标准,可按规划新建、改建、扩建; 符合B类及以上标准、与中短期规划实施不冲突且承诺无条件服从政府实施农用地收回规划的现有优质企业,各区可根据产业需求协调实施转型。 位于开发边界外且规划确定保留的,可按照规划进行改建或扩建。




1、新转工业、仓储项目容积率原则上不高于1.2,高标准厂房项目用地面积率不高于2.0。 涉及历史文化名城保护和特殊工艺利用的工业用地,经批准后可根据实际情况确定用地规模。 速度。 科研用地可指同区域的商业用地。 容积率不宜高于2.5,用地布局相对集中。

2.统筹协调工业园区和工业社区绿地规模和布局,灵活设定单个工业项目绿地率,鼓励集中布局和复合利用,根据详细规划控制工业用地建筑密度除特色意向区域外,以安全生产为前提。 ,绿地率不作要求。




对现有工业用地,现有建筑中行政办公、生活服务及其他配套设施的比例调整为不超过地上建筑总数的15%,并依法办理相关手续。 对于兼容性降低的工业用地,农业用地可以继续按原用途使用; 兼容性降低的科研用地,可以以合同形式办理用地手续,兼容设施不得分割和出售。

新建工业用地项目,与其他生产性服务业(限工业、仓储、科研)相适应的比例不超过地上建筑总数的15%,与行政办公、生活服务业相适应的比例设施数量不得超过地上建筑总数的15%。 ,供应方式、管理、登记仍根据主体用地类型确定,配套设施不得单独出售。 科研用地与其他用途兼容的,按照实际用途计算最低出让价。

开展多用途混合用途试点,灵活确定各类工业用途比例。 同一耕地兼有两种以上用途的,按照主要用途确定供给方式。 主要用途可根据建筑面积比例或功能重要性确定。



落实《产业结构调整指导目录》、《鼓励外商投资产业目录》、《本市禁止和限制新建制造业项目目录》等准入要求,加强工业项目准入管理,禁止向禁止类项目供应土地。工业项目,严格控制限制类别。 工业项目用地。 《南京市促进产业链高质量发展工作方案》中明确的软件和信息服务业、人工智能、新能源汽车、集成电路、新医药与生命健康、智能化等领域将得到优先发展。宁委办发[2020]27号)电网、轨道交通、智能制造兵器等工业领域项目,确保先进制造业用地。


建设项目用地预审过程中,要严格执行国家和省限制用地目录、禁止用地目录和农用地标准; 对没有标准或者因特殊要求需要突破标准的建设项目,规划资源部门应当会同行业主管部门按照规定组织召开节地评估。 评价时应综合考虑技术、工艺、投资规模、产出规模等因素,合理确定土地利用规模。







加强工业用地泥沙污染管理,对工业用地流转前进行泥沙采样和封存。 定期进行沉积物检测,并在出口时进行沉积物污染评估。 探索建立底泥修复保障机制,按照“谁污染、谁负责”的原则落实底泥污染修复责任。



超前推进空间规划、用地指标、征地储备、产业准入等工作,明确工业用地投资硬度、容积率、单位煤耗、排放、亩产税等五项基本标准,为工业“标准用地”供企业选择。 根据申请,退市程序可以随时转移,实现“土地等项目”。 “标准用地”总量应达到年度工业用地供应量的一定比例。


1、省级重大工业项目由市预留建设用地指标保障。 对于区级工业项目,省级根据已批未供应、闲置农用地等情况,向各区下达部分建设用地指标,其余直接与低效工业用地盘活挂钩,统筹安排。由各区实施。

2.完善工业用地指标流转临时贷款制度。 如果相关地区土地指标难以阶段性供应,省级在明确返还方式和时间的前提下,给予农地流转临时贷款指标。 探索建立县市协调机制,多渠道、多形式保障工业用地合理需求。


根据企业生命周期,确定农用地流转方式和期限,着力降低企业用地成本,采取常年租赁、灵活期限流转、先租后流三种形式供应工业及仓储用地。 科研用地流转可参照实施。



3、如果土地是先出租后转让,则分为租赁和转让两个阶段。 租赁和转让的总期限一般不超过30年。 企业先租赁农用地用于建设、工业经营,经营有效后办理流转手续。 在国有建设用地使用权有偿使用协议规定的使用期限内,经有关部门批准,农用地使用者可以建造永久性建筑物(构筑物)。


对单块土地出让面积50亩及以上的工业用地项目,各区应及时将《投资开发监理合同》报市工业部门、规划资源部门联合初审。 初审合格的,按程序报市政府。 对单块土地出让面积大于50亩的工业用地项目,由各区产业主管部门和规划资源部门联合初审后按程序报批。

对单一土地出让面积50亩及以上的工业用地项目,市工业部门、规划资源部门将定期跟踪进度并进行现场检查; 对单一土地出让面积50亩以上的工业用地项目,市工业主管部门和规划资源部门应当建立抽查和定期检测制度进行监督。



设定工业用地出让价格上限。 竞赛达到上限价格后,每亩提交年度纳税申报表流程将切换至该价格。 按亩年纳税申报额最高者确定中标人,确定中标人。 每亩每年的税收纳入《投资开发监管合同》进行监管。



对投资10万元以上的重大投资项目、国家战略产业项目、符合《南京市推动产业链高质量发展工作方案》要求的重点产业链项目,经认定后经市产业部门批准,农用地流转期限可按50年确定,实行一次性整体流转; 经各区人民政府申请,规划资源部门可以按照不高于当地农用地等级对应工业用地最优价格标准70%的价格确定农用地出让起拍价。 当然。


1、以年租形式提供土地的,每五年为一个收租周期,一次性缴纳。 首次租金不得高于法定最高土地出让价格的10%。

2、以灵活期限出让方式提供土地的,出让起拍价按照法定最长期限为50年的工业用地出让评估价除以相应期限系数确定。 期限系数=实际期限/最大法定期限。


4. 根据耕地面积、土地估价结果、土地市场状况等情况,农地出让金可以分期支付。 在首笔费用不超过转让价格50%的前提下,剩余款项可按照协议约定在一年内支付。



2、续签时的农地出让价或者房屋租金,协议有明确约定的,按照合同确定。 协议未明确约定的,可以按照原转让价款、房屋租金,或者原转让价款、房屋租金的组合,经所在地区政府批准。 更新时的工业用地基准地价等,综合评估确定更新价格。


1、办理工业项目核准、规划许可、建设许可、贷款抵押(出售)等手续时,农地租赁协议与农地出让协议具有同等效力。 以租赁方式取得的国有农用地使用权与以转让方式取得的国有农用地使用权具有同等效力。 不动产登记以实际收取租金的相应期间办理。

2.为实现不同土地供应形式下的资产分割和其他权利的固化,可以对当地不同供应法规定的农田上建造的房地产进行抵押。 建筑物根据所有权进行评估,农用地根据不同供给形式的土地价格内涵进行评估。


1.鼓励大小企业自行建设四层及以上并配备工业自动扶梯的高标准厂房; 鼓励国有企业建设高标准工厂; 鼓励小微企业、初创企业租赁高标准厂房,降低土地成本。

2、高标准工厂用地的投资总额、投资硬度等具体要求不再明确。 对于高标准工厂工业用地,在确定农用地出让起拍价时,可确定与当地农用地等级对应的工业用地最佳价格。 标准确定。

3、高标准厂房可以按照建筑物、楼层等固定边界为基本单元进行分割、登记和转让,不改变功能和农用地用途,不受销售比例限制。 项目所在区、园区要明确受让方条件,并进行监督。


1、新增工业用地上的建筑物除明确同意出让的部分外,应当整体持有。 科研用地上除配套设施外的建筑物(地上)不得出售超过50%。 有关区、园区要对受让者进行监督,不得出售或者出售给个人。 现有工业用地上未明确同意分割或出让的建筑物,经工业、规划、资源等主管部门确定后,可以有条件分割、出让,以优化产业配套设施,提高产业效益和水平。建筑利用效率。

2.对于可出售的建筑物,应在农用地出让协议中明确出售形式、行业准入要求和退出机制。 鼓励先租后售模式,承租人产业业绩、研发投入等指标满足一定条件后出售房产。

3、园区平台已出售的建筑物自出售登记之日起5年内不得再次出售。 5年后确需出售的,可由园区平台或区政府指定机构按协议价格回购。 放弃优先回购的,可以出售给符合条件的行业。 有准入要求的企业或研发机构。

4. 优化剩余农用地分割和出让。 剩余工业用地满足原业主需求、符合规划划分条件的,由各区政府(园区)牵头,规划资源部门明确划分部分的规划建设条件,产业主管部门将明确产业准入,满足投入产出要求后,可通过农地交易市场以“带产业”挂牌形式,将土地分割出售给园区平台或经产业审批的项目。 。



工业用地项目绩效评估在竣工阶段(投入评估)、生产阶段(产出评估)、运营阶段(过程评估)以及转让或租赁期限届满前一年(期满评估)进行。 根据相关法律法规,组织实施农用地出让(租赁)协议、投资开发监管合同,科研用地可参照实施。




各地可根据项目实际情况实行项目工期保证制度。 按照农用地出让金的一定比例约定项目逾期罚款,确保工业项目按期复工竣工投产。 项目期间的违约金按照复工、竣工、达产阶段,采用阶段性违约金的形式进行管理; 违约情节严重的,可以根据合同约定终止出让协议,收回建设用地使用权。


1、项目建成后,应当进行投资评估。 各区政府或其指定部门要按照《工业企业资源集约化综合评价差异化新政策指导意见》具体新政,及时将相关信息纳入工业企业绩效综合评价平台南京(试行)”。 投资评估将同时举行。 固定资产投资硬度不符合合同约定标准的,行业主管部门将责令改正。 整改期限不得超过六个月。 整改后仍不能满足投资开发监管合同要求的,按照合同承担违约责任。 相关条款的执行。

2、项目达产后,应进行产出评价。 项目亩产税收未达到合同约定标准的,由行业主管部门责令改正,整改期限不得超过一年。 整改后每亩税费仍达不到合同约定标准的,原则上按合同约定税费与实际缴纳税费之间的差额作为违约金,具体规定并落实违约责任。

3、项目正常运行后,应进行过程评价。 定期对项目单位或投资主体承诺的项目业态、亩产税、亩销售收入、单位能源消费税、单位煤耗销售收入、单位主要污染物税等进行过程评估,根据评估级别采取相应的差异化措施。 新交易。 对C类(监管)企业原则上不再提供新增建设用地; D类(实施和治理)企业严禁参与工业用地招拍挂活动。

4. Before the project's useful life expires, a renewal evaluation should be conducted. If the land owner applies for renewal of the land lease period or industrial land use rights in the form of lease first and transfer or long-term lease one year before the expiration of the right to use the industrial land, an expiration assessment will be conducted. After the assessment, the standards are met and the industrial project still complies with the industrial orientation. , priority will be given to obtaining the renewal of construction land use rights in the form of contract transfer or lease term extension. If the agricultural land rights holder fails to apply for renewal, or applies for renewal but does not meet the conditions after performance evaluation, after the construction land lease or use right expires, the agreement will be naturally suspended and the construction land use right will be recovered in accordance with the law.

(4) Strengthen the construction of the full life cycle supervision system.

According to the principle of "who is in charge, who is responsible", relevant departments in each district and city should establish a testing and verification mechanism covering industrial land project access, project construction, initial inspection of completion, review of reaching production, expiration and renewal, etc., and implement full coverage, A linkage and collaborative supervision system throughout the entire process. When the project is approved, the focus will be on whether the enterprise has prepared a construction plan in accordance with the standards and requirements of the "Dual Agreement". During the project construction process, the key point is to supervise whether the enterprises are constructing in strict accordance with standards and design requirements. After the project is completed and reaches production, in accordance with the requirements of "double random inspection and one open disclosure", the random inspection and regular inspection system will be improved to promptly investigate and eliminate various hidden dangers. After the project is in normal operation, it will be managed with the help of comprehensive performance evaluation based on the resource intensification of industrial enterprises.

(5) Improve the exit mechanism for industrial land.

1. Establish a voluntary withdrawal mechanism for agricultural land. If the project is difficult to develop, construct or operate before the agreed start time or after reaching capacity due to the enterprise's own reasons, the agricultural land rights holder may apply to terminate the agricultural land transfer agreement. With the consent of the transferor, the agricultural land transfer agreement shall be terminated according to the agreement and the construction shall be taken back. For land use rights, the farmland transfer price for the remaining term shall be refunded as agreed.

2. Strengthen the forced exit mechanism for agricultural land. After obtaining the right to use construction land, the agricultural land rights holder shall use the agricultural land in accordance with the development conditions agreed in the "double agreement". Except for force majeure reasons, due to the enterprise's own reasons, it fails to resume work, complete construction, and reach production as scheduled, exceeding the maximum period stipulated in the agreement; causing serious environmental pollution during use, as determined by the ecological environment department; during the construction and operation of the project In the event of a major safety accident, the transferor may take back the right to use the construction land free of charge according to the contract if it is determined by the emergency management department under one of the three circumstances.

3. If the agricultural land is withdrawn voluntarily or compulsorily, the compensation for the buildings on the ground can be dealt with by methods such as depreciation compensation, free recovery, and restoration by the owner of the agricultural land to its original condition as agreed in advance in the agreement. If the agricultural land is withdrawn after its use period expires, the depreciation of the building can be compensated after amortization over the maximum period.

(6) Strengthen credit evaluation and joint rewards and punishments.

Explore the establishment of a credit evaluation system for industrial land enterprise investment projects and a seriously dishonest list system. Construct and improve the credit files of the entire project process, and request relevant departments to include them in the public credit system in accordance with national, provincial and municipal regulations, and make them available for inquiry or public disclosure in accordance with the law. Rewards and penalties will be given as agreed upon based on project resumption, completion verification, and production review. Credit evaluation results serve as an important reference for enterprises to enjoy the new differentiated profit-sharing policy. Take joint disciplinary measures against land-using companies that have serious dishonesty.

9. Increase the vitality of existing industrial land

(1) Guide low-efficiency industrial land to “retreat from the second and optimize the second”.

1. For inefficient industrial land in industrial parks and industrial communities, we are encouraged to comprehensively use various methods such as adding floors to factories, increasing capital and technological transformation, and renovating and upgrading to improve the level of agricultural land utilization. For those that comply with relevant plans and do not change their use, the agricultural land utilization rate will be increased and the floor area ratio will be reduced, and agricultural land prices will no longer be generated.

2. In order to promote enterprises to implement the "retire the second and optimize the second", each district can study and promulgate relevant support measures in terms of establishing transitional resettlement services, providing financial support, and carrying out renovation and development business guidance and support to meet the needs of enterprises and release the upgrading potential of industrial land.

3. In principle, the redevelopment of inefficient industrial land in industrial parks and industrial communities must not change the use of agricultural land. If it is really necessary to change the use of agricultural land, it must be approved by the municipal industrial department, and on the premise that the total number of industrial land is not reduced, Submit for review according to procedure. For newly supplied industrial land, within six years of project transfer, in principle, the use of agricultural land cannot be changed through the contract transfer method of urban inefficient land redevelopment.

4. For industrial land projects that are included in special plans and annual plans for inefficient land use, the project land and buildings can be divided for redevelopment.

(2) Actively explore ways to exit low-efficiency land.

Establish a municipal and district industrial land acquisition and storage system. Each district can demarcate specific areas and make it clear that industrial land in the area must be transformed and developed through acquisition and storage. Park platforms are encouraged to leverage their advantages as market entities and pilot market-based buyback and exit forms such as “exchanging high-quality property management for inefficient land”.

(3) Encourage the reform of sporadic industrial land parcels entering the park.

Scattered industrial parcels outside industrial parks and industrial communities that need to be relocated according to planning and new industrial policies shall, on the premise of complying with the national new industrial policies, undergo preliminary review by the planning and resources department and submit to the municipal and district governments for approval, and the original agricultural land use rights shall be recovered. , re-arrange industrial land for original agricultural land use rights holders in industrial parks and industrial communities in the form of contract transfer or lease.

10. Establish a working mechanism to ensure the high quality of industrial land

The municipal government has established a leading group for high-quality utilization of industrial land in the city. The main leader of the municipal government serves as the director. The vice president in charge of industry and the vice president in charge of planning resources concurrently serve as deputy directors. The municipal industry and information technology bureau, planning resources bureau, development and reform commission, The Science and Technology Bureau, the Finance Bureau, the Ecological Environment Bureau, the Commerce Bureau, the Investment Promotion Bureau, the Emergency Management Bureau, the Market Supervision Bureau, the Taxation Bureau and other relevant departments are members of the leading group to coordinate the promotion of high-quality industrial land utilization. Establish a joint preliminary review mechanism for the transfer of land for industrial projects in the city, led by the vice president in charge of industry, with the participation of the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Planning Resources Bureau, Ecological Environment Bureau, Commerce Bureau, Investment Promotion Bureau and other relevant departments, responsible for project investors, The project feasibility and industry development prospects, the total value of the project tax and investment hardness, the compensation mechanism for failure to meet standards, etc. will be initially reviewed.

For the transfer of industrial land with a single land transfer area of ​​50 acres or more, each district should prepare an industrial land transfer plan and project "Investment and Development Supervision Contract", and submit relevant materials to the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau and Municipal Planning Resources Bureau; the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau and the Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau jointly held a meeting to convene relevant units to review the industrial land transfer plan and the project "Investment Development Supervision Contract", and submit them to the city's industrial project land transfer joint preliminary review mechanism for preliminary review. The vice president in charge of industry held a joint preliminary review meeting for industrial project land transfer to conduct a collective study on the submitted agenda. After the meeting was approved, it was reported to the municipal government executive meeting for study; after the minutes of the municipal government executive meeting were issued, the municipal planning and resources bureau used the "Nanjing Municipal People's Government" "Special Government Agricultural Land Approval Seal", a document will be issued for approval in the name of the municipal government, and the listing will be organized according to procedures. For the transfer of industrial land with a single land transfer area greater than 50 acres, each district shall refer to the corresponding work procedures and organize the transfer on its own. The work process shall be reported to the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau and the Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau for filing.

The Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau takes the lead in the specific work of high-quality utilization of industrial land, comprehensively coordinates the industrial planning and layout of industrial parks, implements comprehensive evaluation of the performance of industrial enterprises and park resource intensive utilization, promotes the implementation of differentiated new policies, and coordinates revisions with the Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau The work process rules for industrial land transfer shall be issued and implemented after being reviewed and approved by the leading group for high-quality industrial land transfer. An industrial park management agency will be added to be responsible for the full life cycle management of industrial land, guide and promote the conservation and intensive utilization of industrial land, and be responsible for the comprehensive coordination of industrial park planning, layout, construction and development.

The Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau is responsible for formulating industrial land spatial plans, delineating industrial land red lines, providing corporate spatial geographical information and industrial land data, and supervising and implementing industrial land transfer agreements.

The Municipal Development and Reform Commission is responsible for implementing the industrial structure adjustment catalog and timely revising and establishing a catalog of strictly prohibited and restricted new manufacturing projects.

The Municipal Science and Technology Bureau is responsible for providing relevant data such as corporate R&D institutions.

The Municipal Finance Bureau is responsible for implementing the new national and provincial tax policies related to stock land acquisition and storage, and cooperating in the implementation of differentiated new policies.

The Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau is responsible for providing corporate emission data and environmental violation information, and supervising the ecological environment access of industrial projects.

The Municipal Emergency Management Bureau is responsible for providing relevant data such as enterprise safety production standardization evaluation information and car accident statistical information, and taking the lead in promoting industrial project safety production work.

The Municipal Market Supervision Bureau is responsible for participating in the joint supervision of land-related equity sales in accordance with the law.

The Municipal Taxation Bureau is responsible for providing corporate sales revenue and tax-related data, implementing the national and provincial new tax policies related to stock land acquisition and storage, and cooperating in the implementation of differentiated new policies.

As the main body responsible for the high-quality utilization of industrial land, each district government needs to establish a corresponding special mechanism. The designated department or the park management committee is responsible for the specific work of high-quality utilization of industrial land involving project access, land transfer, performance evaluation, inefficient exit, etc.

The Pukou New Area Management Committee shall, in accordance with the requirements of this implementation plan and in accordance with the corresponding management authority, formulate an implementation plan for the high-quality utilization of industrial land within the direct management area of ​​Pukou New Area. The "State-owned Construction Land Use Rights Transfer (Lease) Agreement" and "Investment Development Supervision Contract" signed after the agricultural land is transferred are simultaneously submitted to the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau and the Municipal Planning and Resources Bureau for filing.

Related analysis: Interpretation of the "Implementation Plan on Promoting High-Quality Utilization of Industrial Land"

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